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Construction Owners

Local Government Organizations Provide Guidance Regarding Georgia’s Immigration Mandates

The Association of County Commissioners of Georgia and the Georgia Municipal Association have provided guidance to local governments concerning Georgia’s immigration law for public works contracts.  The Georgia General Assembly has enacted several laws in recent years that impact local governments’ and public owners’ public work construction contracts.  Both the ACCG and GMA have published helpful guidance for local governments. Read More »Local Government Organizations Provide Guidance Regarding Georgia’s Immigration Mandates

Supreme Court Reverses Ruling on Quantum Meruit Claims Against Municipality

A prior post covered an appellate decision addressing whether a Georgia municipality may be held liable under quantum meruit for ultra vires acts of its agents.  That opinion generated a great deal of uncertainty because, contrary to prior cases, it seemed to open the door to municipal liability for unauthorized contracts.  Earlier this year, the Supreme Court of Georgia resolved that uncertainty by reversing the appellate opinion in favor of the municipality. Read More »Supreme Court Reverses Ruling on Quantum Meruit Claims Against Municipality